Vote: August House Finalists

8:15 PM
Vote: August House Finalists -

One of the best parts of my job is navigation in the gallery. I like to discover new trends that appear throughout the gallery, and I'm still blown away by amazing talents of our readers. It is difficult to refine the project finalists Month, but we narrowed the list to six distinctive rooms. Our project of the winner of the month will receive a Visa gift card for $ 50 as a Bravo Nursery project.

The House Jordyn jdv by home staging and interior
Love the use of color! Orange mixed with a touch of turquoise give this room a dramatic effect.
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Modern Nursery by Zoe mscott218
The amazing use of space complements a colorful and playful design !
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lunatics Toddler Room by swankyswell
This whimsical room breathtaking. Using a neutral color palette with a punch of color gives this big girl room a classic feel with a modern twist.
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Big City Nursery by Anita roller murals
This room gives new meaning to the phrase "living big city . "design creates a space that is fun and fully interactive.
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Nursery Harper by Chelsi
Elegant and comfortable room covers all of ceilings details scratched with a wardrobe change table. How could you not love this space?
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Daddy-Designed baby room by nickscarpino
This amazing room creates a sophisticated and modern nursery that is a perfect fit for the boy or girl.
Click here to see more Photos

So now it's up to you to tell us what is your favorite piece! Vote below, and comment if you can because we want to know why the Chamber your vote. Voting ends on 31st of this month at 11:55 p.m. PT. The winners of the best room and party will be announced on September 1st! Winners will receive a VISA gift of $ 50 Nursery project Good Luck

Vote for your favorite "Project of the Month".!

  • lunatics Toddler Room by swankyswell (2%, 33 Votes)
  • Nursery Harper by Chelsi (10%, 187 Votes)
  • Jordyns Room by home jdv staging and interior (13%, 239 Votes)
  • modern nursery Zoe by mscott218 (14%, 263 Votes)
  • Big City nursery by Anita roller murals (28%, 514 Votes)
  • Daddy-Designed baby room by nickscarpino (34%, 630 Votes)

Number of voters: 1866

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* finalists selections are chosen at the discretion of the Nursery project team without bias to the experience or training of the owner of the project. You can vote only once in a 24 hour period.

Interested in participating next month? Finalists are announced on the third Monday of each month. Upload your own projects to our project gallery now. Also, do not forget to vote for your favorite project Party this month!

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