In the children's bedroom with Brianna Heiligenthal

11:42 AM
In the children's bedroom with Brianna Heiligenthal -

may know better than Brianna Heiligenthal @burtsbrisplease where you can spot her beautiful home, her darling Leo, who is often photographed dozing with their cat, and just life as a busy mom who stays home. Brianna loves taking photos and reorganize his home. Leo become a big brother in December (congratulations, Heilgenthal family!), Brianna Giving the opportunity to do some reorganization to his room to make the toddler friendly space and leave room to adjust little brother when he moves in.

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Rug

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Shelf

What inspired your design bedroom?
We were really inspired by non-traditional children's rooms. We did not want the blue walls and classic roses. We wanted to make it clear that it was a space for a young person, but in a unique way. It feels like a modern room of mid-century with fancy, and we love

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Canvas Map Banner. | ABC Bin

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room ABC Chart

brackets Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Shelf | Robot Monkeys

What was your favorite part of the process? And what do you like most on the finished design?
We loved everything about the process. Once the wallpaper and the tent were, we really had an idea of ​​how we wanted it to end. One of the things I love most in the room is that we were able to integrate the parts that have meaning or story behind them, as my husband barn Fisher-Price and orange phone I found at home my mother bought years before Leo was even a thought.

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Wallpaper

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room
Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room

design a baby room is different from that of a nursery because you know the personality of your little better resident. Something special for you included Leo this time?
When we went to his room for a nursery to nursery, toddler, we chose songs that we felt fit him like a toddler and (hopefully) as a teenager . His nursery has also doubled as the games room, and as he became more mobile, the situation of the toy is out of control and it made the room less relaxing than we had hoped it would be. By reducing the number of toys that were in his room, he created a quieter space that was fun to play and sleep

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Dresser. | Personalized Flag Bunting

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Natural Market Basket

Congratulations on your pregnancy! the new baby will share a room with Leo or do you have plans for a new nursery?
Thank you! The new baby will share a room with Leo, and we hope to integrate the aspect of the incubator without disturbing the look and feel of the room right now. We deliberately designed to be neutral between the sexes and fun for boys and girls because we knew it would probably share with his future brother!

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Rocking Horse

Bri Heiligenthal Mid-Century Modern Toddler Room Mini Robot Horses

photograph of Stephanie Sanchez and Brianna Heiligenthal

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